Fisher Price Laugh Learn Love Play Puppy

fisher price laugh learn love play puppy

Fisher Price Laugh Learn Love Play Puppy

Amelia’s grandma bought her the Fisher Price Laugh Learn Love Play Puppy for Christmas. It was the perfect gift for a 6 month old baby like her because she loves tiny dogs as well as toys that have sounds and lights. The laugh puppy Fisher Price is Amelia’s new best friend; she smiled the minute she saw it and is constantly trying to grab it!

fisher price laugh learn love play puppy

Buy Laugh Learn Puppy like Amelia’s Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Smart Stages Puppy

My Mum loves shopping online and this is where she bought the Laugh Learn Puppy. She found it cheaper on Amazon which in my opinion is the best online toy shop. This is amongst the best baby learning toys. The Fisher Price Laugh Learn Love Play Puppy is a fun toy for babies aged 6 months and upwards. Whilst the puppy is a decent size, tiny hands can still grab it and pick it up, normally by the foot or ear!

Why I love the Laugh Puppy Fisher Pricelaugh learn puppy

I adore the Laugh Puppy Fisher Price because it doubles up as one of the great baby learning toys as well as a teddy bear. The first thing your little one will want to do apart from grab the pup’s ears is push the red heart button!! My little girl is strong enough now to actually push it and make it light up and say ‘Red heart’. Of course this pleases her..she is so determined to do things herself rather than us doing it for her. This is one of the best baby learning toys because it teaches body parts, colors, letters, and numbers.


An Example of the Laugh Learn Puppy

Push it once to hear ‘that’s my green hand’ and twice to hear  a song involving green hand. This is just an example of the Fisher Price Laugh Learn Love Play Puppy in Smart Stages 1.

The best baby learning toys last from baby to toddler

baby learning toys

Baby learning toys are excellent value for money because lots of them last
baby until they are into their toddler years; Fisher Price Laugh Learn Love Play Puppy is no different. It has three different stages which last the baby until it is three years old. You activate these by holding in the pup’s foot. The higher stages for toddler encourage baby to find their eyes and other body parts.

Fisher Price Laugh Learn Love Play Puppy Bonus CD

I live in the UK and there is a newer improved version of this Laugh Learn Puppy in the USA, which is not available here, yet!

Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Love to Play Puppy with Bonus CD

Fisher Price Laugh Learn Love Play Sis

If you want a pink version for your little girl you can get one with the Fisher Price Laugh Learn Love Play Sis. I have shown the two variations of this laugh learn puppy below.

Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Smart Stages SisFisher-Price Laugh and Learn Love to Play Sis

 While being a decent size it is still small enough for tiny hands to grab and pick up. Quite often Amelia picks up her puppy by it’s foot or ear.

Similar Baby Learning Toys to the Laugh Learn Puppy

If you love the Fisher Price Laugh Learn Love Play Puppy you may also like these similar baby learning toys.

VTech Cora The Smart Cub Plush Toy, PinkLeapFrog My Pal Scout